Coming to class:
Before class begins, you are welcome to wait in our lobbies with your child. Students may not be left unsupervised and may not enter the gym until they are signaled to do so by their instructor. Please supervise your children in the waiting area for their safety.
Aside from parent-tot classes, parents are not allowed in class areas but are welcome to observe from the waiting area. During class, it is important to both our athletes and our instructors that outside distractions are kept to a minimum. Parents are expected not to disrupt class. Our instructors are skilled at handling the numerous situations that occur in the gym. Please allow them to use their professional training to their full capacity without interruptions. If you need to pick up your child early, please ask the HD for assistance.
You are not required to stay while your child is in class, however please plan to pick up your children from class on time. Students may not be left unsupervised. For the safety of your child, (s)he will not be allowed to leave the building without parent supervision.
For the safety of our athletes, the following dress code must be followed: Female students at SGA are to wear any style of leotard. Female students are also permitted to wear tight fitting shorts over their leotards. Two-piece leotards and sports bra/shorts combos are not allowed. Male gymnasts must wear athletic shorts (avoiding zippers, buttons, etc.) and a form fitting t-shirt or tank top. Ninjas must wear the Ninja uniform which includes your choice of athletic shorts (avoiding zippers, buttons, etc.) along with the Ninja specific t-shirt and armband/headband. All students are required to be bare foot, have long hair pulled away from his/her face, and must take off all jewelry, with the exception of small stud earrings.
Maximum class size ratios at SGA are as follows.
Opal and Ninja Zone 6
Spinel, Tanzanite, Topaz, Alexandrite, Ruby, Beginner Boys, & Intermediate Boys 8
Amethyst, Peridot, and Jade 7
Trampoline/Tumbling, and Team programs 8-10
During the School-Year session, if your child misses a class for any reason you may attend Open Gym or Family Fun Night for free. Just be sure to let the Hospitality staff know that you are making-up when you arrive! Please visit our website for current times, as they do change throughout the year. Sapphire Gymnastics Academy does not offer make-ups in other classes during the school year, however that is an option during the Summer Session.
Moving Up
Treasure Tumbler students and Lil Ninja’s move classes based on age as of June 30th, September 30th, and January 31st.
If your child has a birthday between February 1st and June 30th, simply enroll him/her in the next age group for the Summer Session.
If your child has a birthday between July 1st and September 30th, simply enroll him/her in the next age group for the School-Year Session.
If your child has a birthday between October 1st and January 31st, HD will contact you via email during Winter Break with available days/times for the next age group.
Students in the 6+ program are eligible to move-up during “Mobility Months” (May, August, and December). Mobility is based entirely on skill level. SGA instructors evaluate students at the end of each trimester (May, August, and December). If your child shows a strong understanding and mastery of the designated skills, HD will contact you via email, during Mobility Months, with available days/times for the next level.
Ninjas ages 5+ are eligible to move up only once they have completed their Mission. Ninjas are evaluated at the end of each trimester (May, August, and December). If your ninja shows a strong understanding and mastery of the designated skills, HD will contact you with available practice Mission times (optional) as well as the Mission date/time. Once your ninja completes the Mission, (s)he may transfer to the next level.
Sapphire's Registration Fee is charged once per calendar year, at the beginning of your annual registration month. This $25/child is a non-refundable annual fee that is automatically charged within 1 business day of initial registration.
Your registration fee not only gives you access to register for SGA classes and camps, but also gives you discounted pricing on all events, clinics, birthday parties, Open Gyms, and Family Fun Nights.
Tuition at SGA is automatically billed to the account of your choice on the 1st of each month. Tuition is not prorated when: 1) there are fewer than four classes in a month*See Closings procedure, 2) class is missed 3) enrollment is terminated prior to the session ending. Tuition is prorated when: 1) enrollment begins in the middle of a month, 2) the session ends in the middle of the month 3) medical leave *read more below
SGA is closed for four full weeks throughout the year- Spring Break, Summer Break, and 2 weeks for Winter Break. These week-long closings are figured into the price of tuition, therefore tuition is not prorated, and make-up options are not offered. SGA is also closed for the following additional holidays: Independence Day, Labor Day, Beggar’s Night, and Thanksgiving (Thursday-Sunday). Tuition is not prorated for these holidays; however, make-up options are available.
The class of greatest value is full price. Every class after receives a 10% discount. This applies to enrollment for multiple children, as well as enrollment for the same child in multiple classes. This is not applicable to any USAG competitive classes or Discovery Kids Club tuition.
We understand that life can be unpredictable! If your child will be unable to attend classes for an extended period of time due to a medical situation (broken arm, serious surgery, etc.), tuition may be refunded. Simply submit a doctor's note when (s)he is able to return and absences during that time will be refunded. This note must include 1) reason for absence 2) time frame of medical leave, and 3) approval to return to regular physical activity.
A $20.00 Declined Payment Fee will be assessed in any incident of a declined payment.
This includes expired debit and credit cards, invalid debit and credit cards, insufficient funds, etc.
All accounts must be current by the end of the month to continue enrollment at SGA. Accounts with a 30 day past due balance will be dropped from all classes. Students may re-enrolled in an available class once the account balance reaches zero.
Ending Enrollment
Once a child is enrolled at SGA (s)he will be enrolled in that session until we are notified otherwise. This means that all students enrolling in the School-Year Session will remain enrolled through the end of May and students enrolled in the Summer Session will be registered through mid-August. At the end of each session your enrollment and monthly billing is automatically terminated and must be renewed for the new session.
If you wish to end your child's enrollment prior to the end of the session, you must provide written notice thirty days before the first of the month via Sapphire's "Withdrawal Form." You may request this form from our Hospitality Department at any time. Withdrawals will not be accepted via phone, voicemail, or email. SGA holds a spot for your child in his/her class. Many of our classes are full and may have waiting lists. It is out of courtesy to others that we need an accurate record of students in each class.
Class Cancellation
Instructor Emergency:
SGA instructors are devoted to providing a consistent instructor for your child. However, there are some unavoidable circumstances (illness, family emergency, etc.) that may render an instructor incapable of coaching. If another qualified SGA staff member is available to step in, your child will have a substitute. However, if a substitute is unavailable your child's class may be subject to cancellation. In this instance, an email notification will be sent no less than 60 minutes ahead of your child's class. Make-up options will be available and communicated via email.
Extreme Weather:
SGA follows the Urbandale or Des Moines Public School District in weather related closings. This means if Urbandale or Des Moines Public should have a(n),
Late start - all morning activities at SGA will be cancelled
Early out - all evening activities will be cancelled
No school - morning classed will be cancelled and a decision about evening activities will be made by 12pm
In the event that SGA closes for extreme weather, we will send out an email, post on our Facebook, and update our website. Any time the gym is closed for extreme weather, make-up options will be available and communicated via email.
Allergy Statment
Sapphire Gymnastics Academy is not an allergy free zone. Specifically, children may be exposed to peanuts and other nut products, eggs, dairy, etc. Discovery Kids Club, JO Team, and other programs may spend time outdoors during which time children may be exposed to pollen, grass, etc. SGA does make efforts to keep children away from allergens but does not guarantee that children will not be exposed. If children do have food allergies they will be asked to eat away from children who bring foods that may trigger an allergic reaction.